
Volume entitled: "Chemistry Lecture Notes"

Autograph Journal and Recipe Book

'The aerial candidates...', an aeronautical play

North Redemore Account Book

Credo notebook of Joseph Clement

Sketchbook, inscribed 'G Cayley 1796'

Volume of extracts on the mines of Minas Geraes

Volume entitled: "Some Account, of the Work's done by Captain John Perry"

Letter from Henry Maudslay to Mr Matthew Murray, Engineer

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Notebooks of notes from lectures in Paris 1802-1803

The Coal Viewer and Engine Builder's Practical Companion by John Curr

Receipt from Leonard Raisbeck to Robert Foster for £0.6.10 for glazing for the Sugar House

Receipt from Leonard Raisbeck, Stockton, for the Sugar House to A Hall for £0.12.6

Memorandum regarding letting buildings within the Sugar House premises

"Notes taken during a course of chemical lectures given at Paris in the Winter of 1802-3 by Monsieur Vauquelin"

Small planing machine. Sheet 1.

Note regarding £18.0.0 paid on the Sugar House mortgage from J S Raisbeck to Cuthbert Burrell

Grouping arrangement. Abandoned end April 1835.

Note regarding payment on the Sugar House mortgage of £33.14.0 from Raisbeck, Gray and Burdon to Cuthbert Burrell

Receipt from Mr Raisbeck for the Sugar House to A Hall for £1.0.0

Copy [bill] London [to] Navy Commissrs./John Rennie, [for] Cast Iron Diving Bell, [pumps and machinery parts etc Reference to the 'Sheerness Diving Bell'. Bears note re the bell/Goodrich, and note from the Navy Office on verso]

Receipt from J [?] Raisbeck for the Sugar House to George Hutchinson

Invoice regarding stationary purchases

Torn note referring to a payment of £5.0.0

Receipt from Mr Raisbeck, Stockton for the Sugar House to A Hall £7.6.1 ¾

Receipt to an unknown party and John Charlton for £1.15.6

Receipt from Mr John Raisbeck for the Sugar House to A Hall for £1.10.8 ½

Receipt from Messrs Raisbeck & Co for the Sugar House to John Wheatley for £0.13.2

Receipt to an unknown party and John Charlton for £8.15.6

Elevation of parts of the card counting apparatus for operation and variable cards.

Method of grouping for the large machine.

Untitled plan and elevation. Incomplete.

Intended for engraving. Shows six barrels with reducing apparatus.

[Letter] London [to] Mr Goodrich, Portsea or at Mr Peake's Dockyard, Portsmouth/ Sam[ue]l Rehe. [He has received, for Goodrich, the Society of Arts' premium of £65]

Sketch of pickling furnace by Mr Beach

Stepping No. 1 on or in central wheels. Figure 1. Figure 2. Various unnumbered elevations, plans and details.

Untitled pencil layout, includes mill racks.

Plan of the left half to middle group for General Plan 28.

Elevation of arrangement 13 with some of the driving and directive. Elevation includes section of a barrel '65 bands 80 verticals'.

Elevation of parts of middle group drawn in plan on No. 127.

Long pinions in the position for stepping. Adding wheels and short pinions behind long wheels.

Receipt to an unknown party and John Charlton for £3.2.9 ½

Receipt from Mr Raisbeck, Stockton for the Sugar House to A Hall for £4.16.2

Copy of agreement between Mr Raisbeck and John Reed, Starch Manufacturer to let parts of Sugar House

Copy drawing depicting elevation of machinery for rolling copper and pumping water

Sketches of mill used for arranging operations on the engine of four wheels in each cage from April 1836 - August 1837.

Receipt from George Hutchinson and John Simpson to Raisbeck, Gray and Burdon for £8.14.0 for timber for the Sugar House

Plan of left half of middle group for General Plan 28.

Receipt from Mr Raisbeck for the Sugar House to A Hall for £2.17.6